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Friday, June 24, 2011

Fem Smack Down Friday

People like the, National Eating Disorders Association, have asked Yoplait to remove their latest yogurt spot from the air because they feel it promotes eating disorders and helps perpetuate those that already have one, as reported by HuffPost.

Here's what Lynn Grefe, The President of NEDA, said about people with eating disorders, "Opening a refrigerator is like walking off a bridge. And to see this behavior in a commercial tells people with eating disorders, see, it's even on TV. It's ok and normal for my head to go through all these mental exercises."

Personally, I don't know why this commercial would promote eating disorders any more than seeing someone skinner than you walking down the street. If you have this disorder and are that impressionable, you might want to just stay indoors and never come out, get on the internet or watch television.

It seems you have to be SOOOOO PC these days. Get a set and if you have a set, grab them to make sure they're still there. Since people are being so vocal about their feelings these days and wanting bans to happen, I want groups that always want to ban something BANNED! Get over it people and try not to leave YOUR fridge open while you carry on with your TOO LONG monologue on what you should or should not eat. Energy is being wasted. By the way Yoplait, I know people that really love you.

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